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Internship experience at Co-Communications

Roger Williams University student, Christina Adamczyk, recently completed a PR internship in the CT office of Co-Communications. Below is an entry she wrote for our blog to share a bit of what she has learned. Thanks for your great work, Chrissy!

By: Christina Adamczyk

Starting in early December, I had the opportunity to intern with Co-Communications CT.  Given that this was my first internship, I had no idea what to expect. Would I do a good job? Will they like me? Will I be making the coffee? Truthfully, I had a feeling the internship would provide me with some great practical experience, but I had no idea how much I would actually learn during my time here. Also, I am pleased to report my duties in no way consisted of supplying the morning java!

The best part about my time here was being able to learn while gaining actual hands-on experience. I tackled real PR tasks such as tracking web hits, assembling media lists and creating clip books. I even got to help out at a Co-Communications client grand opening event. Beyond that, I learned the reasons why this type of work is important, and got a feeling for the basic steps in PR.  It was encouraging to see the work I was doing was actually helpful. I remember Kate, the CT office’s Account Coordinator, saying at the beginning of the internship that the work I would be doing is work the staff all does themselves. I am happy to see this turned out to be true, and I learned a great deal about the PR process along the way. 

I have also learned another valuable lesson here at Co-Communications: people make all the difference. On a personal level, interning here has been such a positive experience for me because of the people I work with. Kate, Danielle and Jess have all been very encouraging and willing to help me out (despite whatever questions I ask!).  I’ve also seen positive business relationships become mutually beneficial relationships. It makes sense that somebody would be more willing to help you out if you can help them out!  For example, Co-Communications will take the time to find out what a particular publication wants to write a story about, and pitch an idea based on that information.  One of my assignments here was actually researching editorial calendars so we can match story ideas to what the publication is looking for in a timely fashion.  I’ve learned a lot from my internship here, and I know the lessons I’ve learned will stick with me through the rest of my career.