Archive for the '1' Category

Editorial Extinction vs. Editorial Suicide

In my journalism department at Southern Connecticut State University, I learned about the key role of fair and balanced news reporting in our society.   We were “watch dogs” in training…junior members of the “unofficial fourth estate.”

This training extended beyond the classroom and was emphasized (and by ‘emphasized’ I mean tattooed on our minds and hearts) within the journalism community through associations such as the Society of Professional Journalists.

A critical piece of fair and balanced reporting is a solid editorial wall – a clear division between editorial and advertising.  In PR we refer to editorial as “earned publicity.”  Not paid for like advertising, but acquired through merit.

This is the holy division between what lies on either side of the wall.  Editorial is information readers can count on, not information someone has paid for.

When I was in j-school and a working reporter/editor the biggest threat to this wall were media conglomerates (perhaps they still are).  But now a new, powerful threat has emerged – from within.

On a daily basis I am running into editors that double as ad reps and responses from reporters stating that they only cover advertiser stories.

Sadly, newspapers across the country are closing up shop or dramatically cutting staff.  Clearly, this “pay for play” trend is a survival tactic.  But will it stand the test of time or just buy some time?

This old watch dog thinks we are trading the brick wall for a house of straw.  Watch out.  The wolves are coming.

Jessica Lyon

Is Synergy Part of Your Strategy?

Marketers, branding strategists, advertising agencies and PR pros alike probably wish they didn’t see it.  I speak from experience when I say it makes me twitch a little.  And I know it confuses consumers more than it benefits them. 

So what is this annoying little blemish that irks us all and ages us prematurely?  The case of the confused brand. 

Your brand has an identity (of note, the use of ‘an’ indicates singularity)

Yes, brands can represent different things to different people.  Starbucks can represent convenience to some and quality to others.  Different values aside, it doesn’t mean each market needs a different version of your logo.  Or that your Facebook and Twitter should appear so dissimilar that the consumer questions whether or not the same brand/product is being represented. 

So just where do these little differences hide?

Logos:  It doesn’t matter if the logo has been completely revamped or if the colors were darkened by 15%.  The most recent version of your logo should appear on all marketing materials, publicity and advertising.  Honestly, it should even appear on your internal communications.  I don’t care if you are putting your logo on meeting notes to share with your colleagues.  Just cover your tracks and make the correct version appears on everything.  When on deadline, it doesn’t take much for the wrong logo to sneak out on a communication.

Boilerplate:  Boilerplates change.  It’s a given.  But it helps to use the same version on all communications.  For the sake of consistency, why not use it to describe your company on its Facebook page and extract a couple of sentences for its Twitter bio?  The more variations on a theme you draft to describe your company, the more opportunities there are for brand confusion. 

Colors:  Today, I was happy, so I made by Twitter background smiley faces.  Then I got mad, so I made it red.  Then I was tired, so I put blankets on it.  You get the idea.  If it’s your personal account, have at it.  Lace it with unicorns and rainbows for all I care.  But if you represent a company, could you kindly keep to the brand identity?  A strong identity is quite advantageous to your brand, so limit the little indiscretions that weaken it!

Tagline:  This one is always entertaining.  Often, companies have taglines, but use a variety of succinct phrases to describe them in different circumstances.  Can’t we just use the tagline so its value isn’t diluted?  ‘Have you had your break today’ didn’t become legendary, nor did ‘The milk chocolate melts in your mouth – not in your hand’ from being part of a family of taglines – they were stand alone phrases heard consistently and frequently throughout the brand’s stratosphere.

Brand Name:  I would imagine most of you are laughing at the mere mention of this, but of late, I’ve had this conversation a few more times than I would ever care to.  Use your brand’s proper name at all junctures.  Those little variations can dilute the value of your brand at an alarming rate.  That is simply senseless! 

The next time you go to expand the channels through which you communicate about your brand, take a close look at how you are packaging your brand in its context.  The little things can have a big impact on brand value!

Danielle Cyr

In addition to blogging for Co-Communications, I also blog for the PRBreakfastClub.  You can view this and other posts from me at